Radar achieved an incredible feat since they're inception in 2005/06, rising as one of the giants of the waterski industry. Where Radar excel, is in their demand for constant development and not resting on their laurels. To work for Radar is to be forward thinking, which is why from year to year it has become expected that there will alway be something new. For the 2017/18 season it was the updated Vapor shape, featuring a flexbox tip and a return to traditional full concave's. This didn't stop there, continued dominance through intermediate ranges with the Senate/Lyric and entry levels with the industry defining Butter Knife/Katana. With that in mind, how does Radar continue to push their presence and dominance in the market? Continuous innovation as they always have, which goes to say while I mention that ski's should remain as they are, it doesn't mean there won't be minor changes along the way.
Since the introduction of the Butter Knife and Katana, nothing has truly challenged it from a technological standpoint and it's considerable performance for a wider ski. To change this would be to try and fix something that isn't broken, so common sense prevailing, these ski's should remain the same. The Senate/Lyric range having been only recently updated still holds all the value of an older Vapor model only wider. While the Senate is already a complete range, the Lyric could get some company thanks to HO's developing of the Carbon Omni. We could possibly expect a stiffer, more intermediate/advanced model that will sit above the Lyric, much like the Senate has it's 3 constructions. We shouldn't jump as far as saying 2 new models, but we can definitely put 1 high in the realm of possibility.
Finally that leaves us with the Vapor range, much like HO, we shouldn't expect changes in tournament range ski's until they've run 2 year cycles. With the update last year, the Vapor absorbed pressure and snapped out of turns better than it ever has, so we will be waiting another year most likely before another change. With the addition of another women's ski in the mid range, does this mean we may get a womens equivelant Vapor? Yes and no. We technically already have a Women's Vapor Probuild, or more so unisex Vapor Probuild's. This isn't to say down the track we won't see something along the lines of a women's Vapor Graphite, though Radar place the Vapor range as a whole into a unisex category, rendering women's specific editions irrelevant.
And that's the Radar range, there will always be something new for us to look at for 2018/19, even if it's not as extensive as we would sometimes like. Brace yourself for this time next year though, because we can expect some big platform wide changes at Radar heading into 2019/20
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